Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Lore!

So, this is where it all begins I suppose, this is the part where I tell you all about myself and what this blog will be about? Well, I'm not going to do that. Because quite frankly, I have literally NO idea.

The basic theory is it's a place to write down random thoughts if anything to stop me mumbling them to myself at night.. I think its starting to freak my wife out! but no, I suppose you deserve to know a little about the person you are reading about!

So, this is my family! my little clan as it were, I am the cutest one. Yes, that's right. The one on the right. I refuse to believe that my little terror has outcuted me YET!*

The above sentence is delusional rantings of a father who can't bring himself to admit how cute his little girl is.

I'm 27 years old, and in case the picture wasn't clear enough, I am male.. the 3rd person in the picture is my beautiful wife. a stunning South African who came to slum it with me in the UK!

I'm a fairly simple chap (both literally and figuratively.) I enjoy gaming, movies, tv, music.. and my family and friends. I shall talk about A lot of these. and often. It might not appeal to everyone. but I promise I wont be offended. Just make sure you share it to 10 others before you click X or you might get some kind of weird rug burn looking thing appear on your downstairs areas. and you wouldn't want that to happen...again.

Essentially, it could contain a little of everything, hopefully you enjoy it. 

It is bugging me right now, that my spellchecker has flagged 'outcuted' as not being a proper word, I don't rightly care, it SHOULD be one. Bloody OED.

I think as far as first posts go, this is fairly acceptable. and It'll give me an idea and a feel for the layout of the page. 

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