Monday 11 February 2013

I will get around to customising this a little. someday.

Good Evening!

So, Second posting. Exciting times right? I am currently tabbing in and out of a video game as I update this as quite frankly, It's content I've seen/done hundreds if not thousands of times!! But as my fickle nature continues on through this current expansion, I have no choice but to deal with the grind.

The thought of giving up gaming as a hobby and treating it as a rarity has often crossed my mind, focusing on other interests like reading, and simply bettering myself as both a person and a father and husband. But I don't feel I'm quite ready to throw gaming away yet, It's a fantastic stress reliever for me.

Speaking of stress, I'm due back at work next week. I'm starting with 11-3 as I wake up fairly drowzy from my meds, I'm dreading it, not only due to well, not being there for a while, but there is some very poor quality individuals there, I still recoil in horror at the last time I went back in Nov and one of the managers sneered at me as he walked by making me feel small. Overall I feel I'm as close to being 'me' again as I can be, I've perked up in recent weeks due to some fantastic advice from a personal hero of mine an actor who goes by the name of Conan Stevens (Actor in Spartacus and Game of Thrones & The upcoming movie Vikingdom!), I wrote him an E-mail, Thanking him for all his advice on his own blog as he has been through some rough times himself, and he gave me some fantastic advice and followed up with me too! Just to see how I was getting on with said advice. If only more people in the world were like him.

As I sit here pouring out my heart and soul into this blog, I have this song on repeat, I am eternally ashamed.

It is undeniably fantastic. and overall the message I suppose is where it should be, spending silly money just for a shirt. Although admittedly my own wardrobe is a mismatch of things!

The large majority of my stuff all cost under 15 quid. cheap shirts, cheap everything! I'm not really one for brand names, the only clothing I like branded is my sportswear. I have around 7/8 different NFL shirts I wear, and my Rangers top, LA Lakers jacket (Thanks baby brother!) but other then that is is unbranded, I'm not a big jeans person, I have a couple of pairs, but mostly I wear combats. I like the tougher materials and it never hurts to be camo'd up!

So anyway back to the actual topic at hand! going back to work, I think I'm ready. It's no secret to anyone that I'm miserable there, I shan't go into reasons because this is the internet and It'll probably get me in trouble somehow! Suffice to say there is practices there I don't agree with! My basic plan is to go back and start job hunting.

It's one of those silly cycles when you are off with stress as legally you have to inform a potential employer that you are signed off (There is no laws against job hunting whilst off!) and whilst they can't technically hold it against you, I'm not foolish enough to believe that to be the case. so I have to get myself BACK to the job that causes me great stress in order to move on to greener pastures. It's a shame, as I really genuinely like the people I work with. I have no ill feeling towards a single person in that company, even management believe it or not! It just wasn't in the cards!

I've been thinking a lot recently about my '5 year plan' and I'm quite happy with the track I'm on currently, things are progressing, not quite as fast as I'd like but hey, that's life. I'm confident that in 5 years, we will be on the tail end of our plan to get out of this country.

Speaking of plans, Kerri is still working on convincing me to have a second child, I feel we are almost ready with a few kinks to work out, but overall so long as the doc signs off on it I'm absolutely fine with the idea. I love Snowy more and more each day, It's absolutely true that you cannot possibly understand a parents love until you are one. I had no idea what it was to feel like this. love love is different. I have never felt so responsible for anything or anyone. It's funny, when Kerri is forced to discipline the cheeky monkey and yells at her, I instinctively get almost.. pissed off at Kerri? sort of a reflexive 'thats my daughter you're talking to!!' and that's my own wife! Can you imagine how bad I'll be when the poor buggers get to school? let alone bring a boy home. first boy to make my daughter cry, I'm honestly not sure he will live. (If this is used in 13+ years time to prosecute me as 'premeditated' then IM GLAD DAMNIT!)

Anywho! I think this will do for my second entry, I'm aiming to update more frequently with less content. keep it fresh and all that. I will try to make it more interesting then just me moaning, but for anyone who knows me, Moaning is my fave past time. so no promises!

Pancake night tomorrow with some close friends!! Yum! then off to an animal farm on Thursday to take Snowy and E to see the baby lambs!

Oh, before I forget, the + side to having another child is, If its a boy, I get to continue my family name. I get to raise a warrior. If it's a girl. I'm totally calling her Daenerys.

1 comment:

  1. You may be ashamed about having Macklemore on repeat, but you're welcome. ;)
