Saturday 16 February 2013

Late night troubles!

So, Tonight will be brief, looks like another sleepless night, even with 7.5 mg of 'HAPPYTIME SLEEP TABLETS'

Really paranoid about Monday, some stuff happened which we aren't pleased with and its just causing so much stress in the house at the moment. Ill be glad once Monday actually rolls around.

I personally believe, after reading various legal books on things of this nature, that there should be ALOT more sensitivity when dealing with what ill call 'us whackjobs' a large amount of things could be handled way better in a way more condusive to the patient, but thats just my 2c! when I become president Itll become law!

so yes, no proper blog update, as I can't think straight, just the same stressful thoughts shooting through my brainbox. I might try and kill it off with some Stargate Atlantis! go nerds!

Hope your weekend is doing well internets. many joys wished etc.

Sidenote, next we talk, I shall be talking about.. movies. movie nights. shelves. AND medidation and the effect it has had on me.


Stay tuned.

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